Dental Care A happy and healthy pet starts with a plan!

Pet Dental Care in Raleigh

Keeping Your Pet’s Teeth Clean & Pristine

Regular, thorough dental exams and hygiene practices are an important part of your pet's health. They help to prevent tartar buildup, address cracked or chipped teeth, and focus on causes of bad breath such as gum disease, infections, and abscesses. Without proper dental care and regular exams from your veterinarian, these ailments can not only cause your pet pain, but they can also take years off your pet's life!

At Leesville Animal Hospital, our vets know just how important it is to ensure that your pet receives top-tier dental care. They are trained in the most up-to-date dental procedures. Their skills in combination with our dental facilities provide your pet with the services needed to meet all dental and periodontal needs.

Call us at (919) 887-8808 to book an appointment for your pet’s next dental checkup in Raleigh.

Why Veterinary Dental Visits Are Necessary

Without proper dental care, your pet can experience a buildup of plaque, which can result in bacteria being released into your pet's bloodstream. This bacteria can then reduce your pet’s lifespan as the loose bacteria causes infection in critical organs and tissues such as the endocardium (the lining of a heart). In addition to regular tooth brushing and the provision of chew toys and bones, it is important to make regular dental visits to your vet!

In addition to making regular dental checkup visits to Leesville Animal Hospital, you can look out for signs of dental problems at home while brushing your pet's teeth.

Some things to look out for include:

  • Refusal to eat
  • Persistent bad breath
  • A crust of plaque on the teeth that is yellow or brown in color
  • Swollen or red gums
  • Cracked, loose, or missing teeth
  • Pawing at the mouth
  • Bleeding gums

Our Raleigh Dental Services

While we entrust your pet's regular dental hygiene to you, our pet dentists in Raleigh are trained in a wide range of dental procedures.

Visit us for:

  • Dental cleanings: A thorough dental cleaning by your veterinarian removes plaque that has built up on your pet's teeth and below the gum line. If left uncleaned, plaque can lead to periodontal disease, tooth loss, infection, gum loss, and even bone loss. The frequency of dental cleanings required depends upon your individual pet's oral health, at-home hygiene routine, and diet among other things.
  • Extractions: Dental extractions are sometimes necessary for a number of reasons, such as cracked teeth, crowded teeth, severe cavities, or infections.
  • Dental x-rays below the gumline: Dental x-rays below the gum line provide an in-depth look at your pet's tooth health both above and below the gum line. This allows the veterinarian to view any possible trouble areas with tooth construction, tooth roots, or the bone around the tooth.
  • Gingival resection: Gingival resection involves the removal of loose or diseased gum tissue to treat a number of conditions and symptoms in your pet.
  • Ultrasonic cleaning: Ultrasonic cleaning utilizes ultrasonic technology to remove tartar from your pet's teeth.
  • Hand scaling: Hand scaling is the manual removal of plaque buildup using a dental scaler, much like that used for human teeth.
  • Dental polishing after scaling: Just as with people, polishing teeth after scaling helps to smooth your pet's teeth after they have been scaled. This makes it more difficult for plaque to attach to your pet's teeth after cleaning.
  • Doxirobe antibiotic gel: Doxirobe antibiotic gel is a treatment option for pets suffering from advanced periodontal disease.

Frequently Asked Questions

How often should my pet have a professional dental cleaning?

Most veterinarians recommend dental cleanings at least once a year. Regular home dental care can help reduce the need for frequent professional cleanings.

What can I do at home to care for my pet’s teeth?

Brushing regularly is a good way to prevent dental problems. You can also use dental chews and water additives to help maintain good oral hygiene. It’s important to start brushing your pet’s teeth early to get them accustomed to the process.

My pet is a senior. Are there specific dental care considerations for older pets?

Yes, dental care is especially important for senior pets. As pets age, they are more susceptible to dental issues. Regular dental checkups, professional cleanings, and at-home care are crucial. Our veterinarians can recommend specific products and treatments for senior pets.

Can dental disease affect my pet’s overall health?

Yes. Dental disease can lead to a variety of health problems, including heart disease, liver disease, and kidney disease. Bacteria from infected teeth can enter the bloodstream and affect other organs.

Reach out to us today for pet dental services in Raleigh. Just call (919) 887-8808.

Why Trust Us?

We Care for Your Companion
  • Quality Experience

    The Leesville Animal Hospital team remains up to date with the most recent veterinary techniques to provide the best experience to our patients.

  • Minimal Wait Times

    We pride ourselves on providing timely professional services and minimal wait times for you and your pets.

  • Compassionate Care

    From our front desk associates to our pet hotel staff, you and your furry family members will always receive gentle and loving care.

  • Expansive Facilities

    Leesville Animal Hospital is a spacious and modern clinic that offers your pet a comfortable home away from home.

Put your pet on the path to wellness.

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Your Pet is in Good Hands

Real Reviews from Real Owners
  • “Amazing staff and kind vets”

    - Allison LoPiccolo
  • “Calm, organized, and accessible.”

    - Jan Kimball
  • “Calm, organized, and accessible.”

    - Jan Kimball