Behavioral Counseling A happy and healthy pet starts with a plan!

Pet Behavioral Counseling in Raleigh

Resolving Behavioral Issues Effectively

Do you have your hands full with a misbehaving pet? If you have trouble with your pet’s behavioral problems, then you are among 40% of the population. This likely doesn't make you feel much better about the garbage strewn around your kitchen or the hole in your brand-new sofa, but what might make you feel better is that our team of veterinarians is here to help!

Whether your pet is misbehaving due to behavioral problems or due to an underlying health or psychological condition, our veterinarians at Leesville Animal Hospital are prepared to tackle the problem head on. Through behavioral counseling, our vets will be able to assess your pet’s unique situation and determine the right course of action for them based on the root cause of their behavior.

Schedule an appointment to discuss your pet’s behavioral concerns. Call (919) 887-8808 or contact us online.

The Importance of Behavioral Counseling

Behavioral problems are the number one cause of pets ending up in local shelters. It is the goal of our veterinarians and staff to prevent this from continuing by providing behavioral counseling and referrals when necessary.

What Happens during a Behavioral Counseling Session?

The most important step that will take place during your behavioral counseling session will be an evaluation of your pet, their schedule, and their behavior types. This evaluation will help to determine whether there are any underlying health concerns that could be causing poor behavior patterns. Taking a look at your pet’s schedule – and your own schedule – will help to determine whether your pet is misbehaving as a result of preventable causes such as boredom. Lastly, a look at type of misbehavior your pet exhibits will help to determine why they may be acting that way.

Solutions to the Problem

If our vets determine that intervention is needed from a professional animal behaviorist or trainer, we’ll provide the name of a board-certified specialist. In these circumstances, we always recommend that you follow up with the specialist referred to you as soon as possible to set your pet up for success.

Not all poor behavioral patterns will require professional intervention. In some cases, all that is required to get your pet on the right track is a slight change in your schedule or pharmaceutical intervention for a medical condition.

To find out what your pet needs to improve their behavioral patterns, set up your behavioral counseling session in Raleigh with one of our vets today! Call (919) 887-8808.

Why Trust Us?

We Care for Your Companion
  • Quality Experience

    TheĀ Leesville Animal Hospital team remains up to date with the most recent veterinary techniques to provide the best experience to our patients.

  • Minimal Wait Times

    We pride ourselves on providing timely professional services and minimal wait times for you and your pets.

  • Compassionate Care

    From our front desk associates to our pet hotel staff, you and your furry family members will always receive gentle and loving care.

  • Expansive Facilities

    Leesville Animal Hospital is a spacious and modern clinic that offers your pet a comfortable home away from home.

Put your pet on the path to wellness.

See Our Hours and Request an Appointment Today!

Your Pet is in Good Hands

Real Reviews from Real Owners
  • “Amazing staff and kind vets”

    - Allison LoPiccolo
  • “Calm, organized, and accessible.”

    - Jan Kimball
  • “Calm, organized, and accessible.”

    - Jan Kimball