How To Make Homemade Pill Pockets

If you are a health conscious pet owner then the thought of giving your dog any type of commercial dog treat can be terrifying, but did you know that you can make your own pill pockets at home? Pill pockets are a great way to get your dog to take their medications and now you can make your own pill pocket treats at home and know exactly where every one of your ingredients comes from!

pill pocket recipe

To make these easy pill pockets at home combine one tablespoon of milk, one tablespoon of crunchy peanut butter and two tablespoons of flour in to a bowl. Mix the ingredients together thoroughly. Create twelve rolled treats by dividing the mixture in to twelve pieces and rolling each piece around a pencil to create a pocket inside! Once you have made your treats just refrigerate them or store them in the freezer to keep them for longer! Just be sure to defrost them before giving them to your dog!

Keep in mind too that if your dog has allergies, that this recipe can be just as effective with substitutions!
