Oncology A happy and healthy pet starts with a plan!

Veterinary Oncology in Raleigh

Compassionate & Personalized Cancer Treatment Options

Unfortunately for pet parents, cancer is all too common among pets. Our veterinary team understands the importance of an early cancer diagnosis and intervention. We know that the earlier it is caught, the better your pet's quality of life and long-term prognosis may be.

Our pet oncology services in Raleigh focus on a three-pronged approach to preventing and treating cancer.

This approach includes:

  • Regular cancer screenings as necessary for your pet
  • Surgical intervention when appropriate

With an increasing number of oncology treatment options available to pets these days, our hospital staff understands that choosing the right cancer treatment option for your pet can be overwhelming. That is precisely why we offer our clients all the information they need to know about each treatment method and what it can do for their individual pet.

Consult with our veterinarians by calling (919) 887-8808 today.

Facing Your Pet's Cancer Diagnosis

We know that facing a cancer diagnosis with your pet is not only scary, but it is also stressful as you try to navigate unknown territory in your pet's life. Our veterinary team is here to support you through this difficult time by providing you with all the resources you need to understand your pet's diagnosis, prognosis, and the treatment plans that are available to you.

Seeking Outside Opinions

One of the best things about our oncology staff is that they aren't afraid to seek outside opinions and provide our clients with recommendations and referrals when it is in the patient’s best interest. Depending on your pet's individual case, our veterinarian staff may prompt you to seek outside specialist consultations to guarantee the best outcome for your pet. These recommendations are not made lightly and are given with the specialist's field of expertise and your pet's specific type of cancer diagnosis in mind. We urge you to always follow up with oncology referrals for your pet.

Most Common Types of Pet Cancer

It is all too common for pets to get cancer, similar to humans. Our veterinary oncologist team in Raleigh will do all they can to provide excellent care to both you AND your pet. Part of providing excellent care is education. Here are a few of the most common types of pet cancer:

  • Lymphoma
  • Head & Neck
  • Abdominal Tumors
  • Skin
  • Mammary Gland
  • Testicles
  • Bone

This is not a comprehensive list, but it's a start. Our veterinary oncologists in Raleigh take your pet's care very seriously.

Schedule an Appointment with our Pet Cancer Specialist

Whether your dog or cat has cancer, the Raleigh veterinary team is here to help. Our dog cancer specialist is willing to answer any outstanding questions you may have about your dog's care. If your cat is sick, our team is perfectly equipped to help in that way as well. This is an emotional time, and we are here to make the difficult decisions ahead with you. Contact us with questions or to discuss your pet's condition.

See how Leesville Animal Hospital can help you navigate the challenges of your pet’s cancer diagnosis. Call (919) 887-8808 now or contact us online.

Why Trust Us?

We Care for Your Companion
  • Quality Experience

    TheĀ Leesville Animal Hospital team remains up to date with the most recent veterinary techniques to provide the best experience to our patients.

  • Minimal Wait Times

    We pride ourselves on providing timely professional services and minimal wait times for you and your pets.

  • Compassionate Care

    From our front desk associates to our pet hotel staff, you and your furry family members will always receive gentle and loving care.

  • Expansive Facilities

    Leesville Animal Hospital is a spacious and modern clinic that offers your pet a comfortable home away from home.

Put your pet on the path to wellness.

See Our Hours and Request an Appointment Today!

Your Pet is in Good Hands

Real Reviews from Real Owners
  • “Amazing staff and kind vets”

    - Allison LoPiccolo
  • “Calm, organized, and accessible.”

    - Jan Kimball
  • “Calm, organized, and accessible.”

    - Jan Kimball